Fire Door Survey
Fire doors are a crucial part of protecting a buildings escape route fire. Most fire doors are in everyday use which inevitably leads to wear and tear and problems such as:
- Fouling on the floor
- Not closing fully
- Self-closers slow or not connected
- Smoke seals missing or damaged
- Glass not fire rated
- Gaps around the edge, top and bottom too big
- Incorrect or no fire door signage
- Doorframe damaged
The fire stopping performance of fire doors can be affected by a number of these things. You need to be confident that your fire doors are working properly in every aspect.
ATS Compliance will survey your entire site and will make recommendations on all fire doors within your business:
- Survey doors and provide reports with recommended actions
- Prepare specifications for upgrading and new doors
Your fire door survey will ensure that your fire doors are compliant with fire safety regulations and completely effective in the event of a fire.